Is Fear keeping you with a Poor IT Provider?
In the world of technology, businesses rely on their IT providers to keep operations running smoothly. However, what happens when your IT provider isn’t up to scratch?
Sometimes, fear of change can prevent you from switching and leave you stuck with a service that isn’t delivering.
In this blog post, we’ll explore the reasons why some businesses are reluctant to switch IT providers and offer some advice on what to do if you are not receiving the service you deserve.

The Fear of Disruption
Moving from one IT provider to another can be disruptive. It involves transitioning data, applications, and processes, but a good IT provider will ensure that the transition is well managed with little to no disruption to your business.
Fear of downtime, lost productivity, and potential chaos often keeps businesses from making the switch. However, staying with an inadequate provider can have much more long-term consequences.
The Fear that the Grass ISN’T Greener
What if ALL IT companies are as bad?? We can assure you they are not, ultimately IT support is a “switch” industry so, in order to retain clients, we HAVE to provide a good service. You just need to make sure you are doing your research to ensure you find a provider that will work for you and your business.
The Fear of Losing Data
Keep in mind your IT service, is a “support service”. Your IT provider does not own your data, or your system licenses; they only have administrative privileges to manage them. When you leave, this access is easily transferred to the new provider, and you retain the credentials and ownerships throughout. We do recommend that you retain admin access by ensuring one of the global admins is assigned to a member of your team, just for peace of mind.
The Fear of Incompetency
When you lose confidence in your existing provider, this will inevitably affect your relationship with them. Which may, in turn, lead you to not want to call or report any issues for fear of them making the situation worse or just feeling that it’s more trouble than it’s worth. This not only means a reduction in efficiency, but also, you are not using a service that you are paying for.
Overcoming the Fear
Assess your support provision: Be objective. Is your fear justified or are you really settling for a substandard service?
Research alternatives: Look into other IT companies and compare their services. Ask for recommendations from existing clients and read reviews. Reputable companies will be happy to provide all the information you need to help you with this.
Plan the Transition: Your new provider will work with you to plan a seamless transition to ensure minimum downtime and to protect your data.
Don’t forget the why: We get that change can be scary, but remember the long-term benefits of improved services, security, and efficiency.
Building a Good Relationship: Choose an IT provider that you trust and can offer what you need as a business. Ensure that they align with your values so that you can build a positive relationship. Remember that they should become an extension of your team, so you need to know they will deliver what you need.
It’s essential that you prioritise your business and don’t let the fear (or complacency) stop you from doing what is best for the success of your business, after all the reliability of the services you provide, rely on you having an efficient IT support partner.
For more advice contact us today.